
Hey Adam. I have thought about this but don't have a strong conclusion. I accept that private mechanisms might address some aspects of criminal justice; arbitration, reputational mechanisms, and so on. But my hunch is that without government enforcement in the background, we would see a fair bit of non-compliance. I would be happy to be proven wrong, but I am not aware of good examples where criminal justice is entirely left to private forces. For national defense, I am even more dubious.

That said, I heartily agree that a ton of what happens now under criminal justice or national defense is NOT beneficial: most/all overseas military interventions; the war on drugs; anti-money laundering laws; and much more. In LL land, therefore, both these aspects of government would be much smaller.



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What do you think of the Rothbardian contention that true public goods don’t exist? I believe Robert Murphy’s written quite a bit about how private law & defense would work.

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